Most people don’t even read their home insurance policy. This can lead to some nasty surprises. Having questions about your home insurance is a good thing, and at Toney Insurance Services in Snellville, GA, we have a team of very experienced insurance agents who are eminently qualified to answer your questions.
Home Insurance FAQs
Do I need to have home insurance if I don’t have a mortgage?
No, the sad truth is that the state of Georgia doesn’t require home insurance, but that doesn’t mean that it is a good idea to be without it. For most people, their home is a major portion of their assets, and if you don’t have home insurance, you are risking the entire loss of your home from something like a fire or a tornado. Home insurance also includes liability coverage in the event you are sued by someone injured at your home or by a member of the family.
Will home insurance cover my property if I lose it away from home?
Yes, it will. If your vehicle is broken into and your possessions are stolen or if you lose your laptop while on vacation, your home insurance will cover the items, but there is a deductible.
Is my home covered for water damage?
Your home is covered for some water damage. If the damage is the result of an interior pipe or hose bursting, that will be covered. If a tornado ripens off your roof and you suffer water damage, that will be covered. However, if there is a flood, your home is not covered for damage. For that, you need to have a separate flood insurance policy.
Consult With Us
Contact Toney Insurance Services in Snellville, GA when you want to discuss your home insurance needs.